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Soluble Fiber As Related To Cancer

Cancer: a major global public health problem

I was not able to find statistics illustrating how many people in the US have cancer as there are so many different kinds of cancer (especially if you include those with active cancer with those in some form of remission).

Currently, one in four deaths in the United States is due to cancer. A total of 1,399,790 new cancer cases and 564,830 deaths from cancer are expected in the United States in 2006. When deaths are aggregated by age, cancer has surpassed heart disease as the leading cause of death for those younger than age 85 since 1999

The incidence of colon cancer is significantly lower in people who eat lots of high-fiber food. Fiber binds carcinogens (toxins that can transform normal cells into cancerous ones) and moves them through the bowels quickly, decreasing their potential to do harm. Fiber also binds estrogen, reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Ten Leading Cancer Types for the Estimated New Cancer Cases and Deaths, by Sex, US, 2006

*Excludes basal and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinoma except urinary bladder. Estimates are rounded to the nearest 10. Note: Percentage may not total 100% due to rounding.
The above graph indicates the most common cancers expected to occur in men and women in 2006. Among men, cancers of the prostate, lung and bronchus, and colon and rectum account for over 56% of all newly diagnosed cancer. Prostate cancer alone accounts for about 33% (234,460) of incident cases in men.

The three most commonly diagnosed cancers among women in 2006 will be cancers of the breast, lung and bronchus, and colon and rectum, accounting for about 54% of estimated cancer cases in women. Breast cancer alone is expected to account for 31% (212,920) of all new cancer cases among women.

Soluble fiber has shown to play an important role in addressing many forms of cancer.
Now it is as simple as drinking a glass of waterFiberWater is the only convenient way to take water and soluble fiber together

Reference Articles:

· Soluble fiber by product activates cancer suppressing gene
· The Fiber/Breast cancer connection
· Diet and the treatment of breast cancer
· Higher fiber intake linked to later periods
· Diet, Exercise slow prostate cancer as much as 30%
· Fiber consumption reduces the risk of Colorectal cancer
· High fiber diet can cut cancer risk by 40%
· Americans don’t know obesity increases cancer risk
· USDA Studies diets associated with esophageal cancer
· Fiber may help reduce cancer risk in larynx
· Synbiotics effective at reducing colon cancer markers
· Fibre could halve young women’s breast cancer risk


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